
My name is Arcadia Page, and I’m a artist/writer who shares ideas on personal growth, productivity, personality type, self-care, and the writing life. Here’s what you can learn from me:

You can also learn more about what I do by reading this interview I did with Canvas Rebel.

I love the process of building a creative, simple, healthy, and introspective life because I believe that is what leads to growth and joy. As a highly sensitive empath (and an INFP) I feel more empowered when I work from a place of compassion instead of stress.

I’ve written many books, and they are available for purchase if they resonate with you.

I’m best known for:

Where to find me/contact me

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You can also follow me on Mastodon at

Other Blogs

Arcadia’s Thoughts

Manga & Mascara (No longer updated)