After years of thinking I was a Type 4 on the Enneagram, I recently realized that I’m a Enneagram Type 3. Okay, technically I am SX/SP 3w4.
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Why Intuition is a Good Trait to Have as a Highly Sensitive Person
Intuition is one of the many good traits of highly sensitive people. My intuition is a huge part of who I am, and it is so powerful. The gentle hunches, tugs, and unexpected connections are welcome visitors that give my life a sense of direction and vibrancy. Being intuitive is...
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Eleven Traits that Show Up When You Ignore your Needs as a Highly Sensitive Person
Years ago, when I discovered that I was a Highly Sensitive Person, I thought I had myself all figured out. I added more things to my life to accommodate my sensitivity, incorporating more outdoor time into my day and installing blue light filters on all my devices since I know...
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As a Highly Sensitive Person, It's OK to Say "No" to Hustling
If the topic of this post resonates with you, you’ll probably also appreciate my latest book, Love Your Sensitivity: 7 Essential Life Changes to Make After Learning You’re a Highly Sensitive Person
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How I Use Art to Process Emotional Pain as an INFP
Pain can be overwhelming, especially if experienced daily. After a year and a half of suffering from chronic physical pain, I’m glad to be seeing the end of the tunnel. Yet, the emotional trauma of being unwell for so long will stick with me for a while. It will take...
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What to Do When You Feel Like You're Always Chasing the Newest Idea
Have you ever started a project thinking, “This (story, painting, song, book or whatever else you’re trying to make) is the one I’m going to stick with until the end“? But then, days later, you get a new brilliant idea that makes the old one seem lame, so you ditch...
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