At the start of this year, I was totally happy with the planner I was using. But then one day, some well-meaning friends bought me a really nice, deluxe notebook. First I thought, “Wow, it’s rare for people to be aware of what a high quality, modern notebook is. I’m...
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What to Do When Your Day Doesn't Go as Planned
Bad days can come in different flavors.
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Combine Productivity with Fulfillment: Three Prompts for Adding Meaning to Your Todo List
Is your planner inspiring? Most people don’t think of their calendar as a place to be inspired. It’s usually full of duties: events, appointments, and things that can’t be ignored. Sometimes it feels like we are constantly cramming things into our calendars and lives.
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Feel Like You Can't Get It Together? Give 5 Minutes to Your Future Self
For a long time I used to think “Why can’t I just get it together?” Every morning before going to work was chaos, and every evening after coming back was chaos as well. Have you ever felt that way? That no matter what you do, there are times of day...
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Read This When You Feel Like Social Media Is Doing Nothing for Your Business
August - 4 Links
One of the scariest things about giving birth to a business is starting from zero. Zero customers, zero money–just nothing but a hope that you can make something happen. Maybe.
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8 Ways INFPs Show Up at Work
INFPs are creative, imaginative, and have a lot to bring to their places of employment when in the right environment. In this post, I’m taking a deep dive into how INFPs show up at work.
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