I've recently started the process of editing the second story of The Altered Realities. It's been difficult getting myself to do it because for some reason I imagine my story being a horrible wreck and I don't want to face it. However, once I start editing, I see that it...
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Falling in Love Again
Lately my story and I have been estranged. When I sat down sometimes to write it, or even when I wasn't writing--I could be simply thinking about it--I think to myself, what is so great about this story? Why am I even doing this? And the enthusiasm I felt before...
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A Series of Unexpected Events
When I thought about writing this post, I felt uneasy because I wanted to keep my deeply held thoughts to myself. But sometimes, I think it's good to share what's really going on. I have finished the first part of my story series The Altered Realities of a Dream-Maker and...
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Personal Writing Challenge Progress!
Here's the basic rundown of how my personal writing challenge has been going so far:Day One:I am enthusiastic and ready to go. I eat dark chocolate to keep myself alert and lemon water to keep hydrated. To overcome my tendency to over-edit while typing, I try to keep usage of...
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Setting Up a Personal Writing Challenge
Lately, I’ve been reading No Plot, No Problem! by Chris Baty. Although I’m not planning to do Nanowrimo anytime soon, this book did inspire me to set up a personal writing challenge for myself. For awhile I’ve been writing a little bit every day, and I’ve been finding it frustrating...
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My Day & Thoughts on Blogging for Fiction Writers
Today I woke up feeling exhausted. Normally when I get up in the morning, I'm ready to go and returning to bed is not an option. But as I felt my eyes closing as I wrote in my journal, I knew it would be a good idea to get some...
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