So here’s the story of the first time I shared my writing online.
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Journaling to Let Go of Fear and Feel Aliveness
Lately I’ve been thinking about the fear I feel around sharing my work online and just my life in general.
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How I'm Learning to Work With My Creative Seasons
Over the past month, I set the intention to do better with working along with my natural cycles, especially my seasonal and feminine cycles, because those are the cycles that impact me the most. Following them keeps me connected to who I am as a creative person.
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What Running an Online Business Could Look Like For INFPs
So a couple of months ago I wrote this post on how learning about my Money Archetypes has helped me to better understand my identity when it comes to doing business online and how I deal with money in general. However, through doing this work, a single question gnawed at...
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On Coming Back Home to Creating Fiction
If you’ve been following my work for awhile, you may have heard me mention that I’ve been suffering from some major fiction writing and artists’ block.
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My Guide to NOT Keeping Up Appearances as an Enneagram Type 3
Often the Enneagram Type 3 is described as a chameleon, shape shifting to be whatever wins admiration and success.
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