As an intuitive introvert, I love spending time immersed in thoughts, ideas, and imagination. I am also emotionally sensitive, honing in on not only the emotional states of others, but also on the ever-changing landscape of my own emotions, even if I don’t fully understand them.
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Why Being an INFP Doesn't Mean You Never Block Your Emotions
I wish that being an INFP meant that I am always in touch with my emotions and that they always make sense to me. And as a result of this emotional honesty and literacy, I would have a healthy and robust emotional life.
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How INFPs Can Turn Emotional Crisis Into an Opportunity
When we think of emotional crisis, we often think of the dramatic, like having breakdowns or meltdowns. But emotional crisis can also include more subtle things such as burnout or having a rough week. Ongoing feelings of boredom, loneliness, or disconnection also count.
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How I Handle Distracting Thoughts as an INFP
I’ve written a lot about how INFPs tend to have wandering minds. I appreciate this about myself because my ongoing desire to explore keeps me creative. Having a divergent thinking style and enjoying new ideas is part of what makes me who I am.
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Notes About Going on Vacation
In October I shared with blog subscribers that I will be taking a break from updating this blog from the start of December to the end of January.
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Struggling with Reaching Goals? Try Setting a Monthly Goal Instead
When it comes to November, one of the first things I think of is Nanowrimo. It’s inspiring how writers like Marissa Meyer found their start by participating in Nanowrimo. Despite my love of writing fiction, I have never done Nanowrimo, mainly because of my complicated feelings towards word count.
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