The idea of small adventures has been a large part of my life since childhood. However, I didn't notice that this concept was meaningful until various people have recently pointed it out to me.It will take a lot of writing to fully express what it means to live a life...
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Using Journaling to Transform How You Plan for the Day
I've always believed in the power of journaling. Journaling has helped me to see more clearly in my daily life, visualize the goals I want to reach, and express my feelings. Lately I came across an interesting planning technique from Cal Newport featured by Then I also read this...
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Being Highly Sensitive and Consistently Creative
Lately I've been gaining new appreciation for how important it is to have a good pace and routine when working on creative projects.Every day I've been editing a little bit of How I Learned to Plan as an INFP. Using the GoodTime app for Android, I work on my book...
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Simplicity is the Reduction of Choice
So far I've written two new chapters for my book, How I Learned to Plan as an INFP. I'm halfway done with the overall updating process. I'm excited about including new things and simpler methods.First, when I started writing this book, I was using about four different programs: Focus Writer,...
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The Hidden Skill INFPs Have for Saving Money
The inside of the fridge is looking bare. There is a flimsy, half paper carton of eggs, a gallon of milk, dark purple grapes that are getting riper by the day, a thawing bag of beef chili, and a dark green spring leaf salad. Although it may not look like...
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How I'm Fitting More Creative Time into My Life by Creating Small
Why am I so into creating small recently?Because...I get to see more progress in less time.I get to experiment with different styles of art and writing. If I mess up or if what I'm trying doesn't work, I don't feel like I've wasted a ton of time. It's less intimidating because...
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