A few weeks ago I shared my half-page planner printables. They are nice to use on their own, but as someone who takes a ton of notes throughout the day, sometimes I need to have more than just one daily page. Also, I want to go back and find the...
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Using Your Writer's Intuition to Plan Fiction
In the whole discussion between having a structured outline and being a "pantser," I find myself in a muddied middle ground.Looking at past stories I've created, I've always used an outline. The problem was that I had no clue how that outline worked. It just came out of the ether...
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Free Minimal Half-Page Planner Printables
Monthly Reminders, Monthly Calendar, and Daily PlanAlthough I've found the current planner printables on my Etsy shop useful, they don't fit what I want 100%. At times I'm annoyed by how particular I am, but I feel that if I'm making something for myself, it needs to be exactly what...
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Accepting My Scattered Work Style as an INFP
Why is my working style slow and scattered? And most confusing of all, non-linear?INFPs tend to have a scattered thinking style due to extroverted intuition. I've noticed that when I force myself to work linearly--working on a project by going to point A to point B to point C and...
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How I Plan to Slow Down Today
For most of my life I've been a productivity focused person. I'm not sure if that comes from being competitive in school or from my desire to see my creative work finished and on my shelf. In any case, I've always been on the go. However, more and more I...
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Why I Love Simple Daily Gratitude
Every morning after waking up, I write one thing that I'm grateful for. Sometimes it's easy. Sometimes it's so difficult that I write the same thing for a few days in a row (There are many days where I write that I'm grateful for a hot cup of tea.) But...
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