Being a person with multiple interests makes life into a crazy ride with all kinds of twists and turns. It's not surprising that there are multiple labels for people who are multi-talented. In putting together this post, I came across the terms polymath, generalist, scanner, multipassionate, multipassionista, multipotentialite, and renaissance...
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Creative and Disorganized? Here are Resources I've Found Helpful
I know there are some organized creatives out there, but I'm NOT one of them. Despite that, I've always felt the pull of being "more together." Part of that is reality. The world runs on schedules and due dates, and if I don’t keep track of things, I could miss...
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Life as an Introverted Feeling User
As an INFP, my dominant function is Introverted Feeling. ISFPs also have introverted feeling as their dominant function. I find dominant functions fascinating because they're the part of ourselves that we're the most familiar with, and they have the most power.As I've searched for more information about Introverted feeling, I've...
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How I Learned to Be More Patient With My Writing Projects
When I look at the past four years, I can't help seeing how they're full of creative missteps. I know working on creative projects is not an exercise in perfection. Mistakes are unavoidable. Often, you have to finish whatever you're working on and strive to do better next time. That's...
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How I Got the Most Out of My Myers-Briggs Test Results
Sigh...those online Myers-Briggs tests. I've had fun reading the results over the years. In case you're wondering, I'm an INFP. For a long time I've treated my personality test results like just this fun thing to do. It's interesting. Sounds a lot like me. I wonder if I know anyone...
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5 Things to Do to Get Started With Creating Comics
This is a follow up to my post, 4 Things I Did to Get Started With Writing Fiction. I think when it comes to being the writer and artist of your own comics, the most important thing to learn is how to create stories. Pictures are an add-on option. Having...
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