Lately I've been gaining new appreciation for how important it is to have a good pace and routine when working on creative projects.Every day I've been editing a little bit of How I Learned to Plan as an INFP. Using the GoodTime app for Android, I work on my book...
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Simplicity is the Reduction of Choice
So far I've written two new chapters for my book, How I Learned to Plan as an INFP. I'm halfway done with the overall updating process. I'm excited about including new things and simpler methods.First, when I started writing this book, I was using about four different programs: Focus Writer,...
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The Hidden Skill INFPs Have for Saving Money
The inside of the fridge is looking bare. There is a flimsy, half paper carton of eggs, a gallon of milk, dark purple grapes that are getting riper by the day, a thawing bag of beef chili, and a dark green spring leaf salad. Although it may not look like...
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How I'm Fitting More Creative Time into My Life by Creating Small
Why am I so into creating small recently?Because...I get to see more progress in less time.I get to experiment with different styles of art and writing. If I mess up or if what I'm trying doesn't work, I don't feel like I've wasted a ton of time. It's less intimidating because...
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How I Created My HSP Sanctuary
Because of my sensitivity, I often need a place to retreat so I can regain my physical and emotional balance. Much of the information out there for HSPs involves avoidance. There's avoiding too much visual, auditory, and other types of stimulation. However, recently I read Emotional Sensitivity and Intensity: How...
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Using Writer's Intuition to Write Fiction
This is a continuation from my post, Using Writer's Intuition to Plan Fiction. Now that I've loosely planned my story, it's time to get writing!The BeginningAt the beginning of the story I introduce the MC, the setting, their hopes and desires, how that is the opposite of their current situation....
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