Because of my sensitivity, I often need a place to retreat so I can regain my physical and emotional balance. Much of the information out there for HSPs involves avoidance. There's avoiding too much visual, auditory, and other types of stimulation. However, recently I read Emotional Sensitivity and Intensity: How...
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Using Writer's Intuition to Write Fiction
This is a continuation from my post, Using Writer's Intuition to Plan Fiction. Now that I've loosely planned my story, it's time to get writing!The BeginningAt the beginning of the story I introduce the MC, the setting, their hopes and desires, how that is the opposite of their current situation....
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Free Half-Page Planner Index & Notes Printables
A few weeks ago I shared my half-page planner printables. They are nice to use on their own, but as someone who takes a ton of notes throughout the day, sometimes I need to have more than just one daily page. Also, I want to go back and find the...
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Using Your Writer's Intuition to Plan Fiction
In the whole discussion between having a structured outline and being a "pantser," I find myself in a muddied middle ground.Looking at past stories I've created, I've always used an outline. The problem was that I had no clue how that outline worked. It just came out of the ether...
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Free Minimal Half-Page Planner Printables
Monthly Reminders, Monthly Calendar, and Daily PlanAlthough I've found the current planner printables on my Etsy shop useful, they don't fit what I want 100%. At times I'm annoyed by how particular I am, but I feel that if I'm making something for myself, it needs to be exactly what...
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Accepting My Scattered Work Style as an INFP
Why is my working style slow and scattered? And most confusing of all, non-linear?INFPs tend to have a scattered thinking style due to extroverted intuition. I've noticed that when I force myself to work linearly--working on a project by going to point A to point B to point C and...
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