ivory background with flowers, starts and words in white.Trust your inner creative compass. Break free from the rules and embrace your messy, weird, authentic vision. Let’s create fearlessly, one beautiful step at a time.

How I Created My HSP Sanctuary

Because of my sensitivity, I often need a place to retreat so I can regain my physical and emotional balance. Much of the information out there for HSPs involves avoidance. There's avoiding too much visual, auditory, and other types of stimulation. However, recently I read Emotional Sensitivity and Intensity: How... [Read More]
Tags: INFP & HSP

Using Writer's Intuition to Write Fiction

This is a continuation from my post, Using Writer's Intuition to Plan Fiction. Now that I've loosely planned my story, it's time to get writing!The BeginningAt the beginning of the story I introduce the MC, the setting, their hopes and desires, how that is the opposite of their current situation.... [Read More]

Free Minimal Half-Page Planner Printables

Monthly Reminders, Monthly Calendar, and Daily PlanAlthough I've found the current planner printables on my Etsy shop useful, they don't fit what I want 100%. At times I'm annoyed by how particular I am, but I feel that if I'm making something for myself, it needs to be exactly what... [Read More]