For most of my life I've been a productivity focused person. I'm not sure if that comes from being competitive in school or from my desire to see my creative work finished and on my shelf. In any case, I've always been on the go. However, more and more I...
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Why I Love Simple Daily Gratitude
Every morning after waking up, I write one thing that I'm grateful for. Sometimes it's easy. Sometimes it's so difficult that I write the same thing for a few days in a row (There are many days where I write that I'm grateful for a hot cup of tea.) But...
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How I'm Trying to Solve My Biggest Writing Problems
When I took my first drawing class in high school, I sat next to a girl who like me, enjoyed drawing anime characters. She would start with the eyes, sketching out one eye and then the other. Then she would notice that the eyes didn't line up. So, she would...
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How I Learned to Plan as an INFP: Have a Reminders List
This is part two of the series How I Learned to Plan as an INFP. Although this is designed with the "INFP" point of view, intuitives, especially those who use extroverted intuition may find this helpful as well. To see the previous article with the introduction and tips for using a calendar,...
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How I Learned to Plan as an INFP: An Introduction
This is part one of my new blog post series: How I Learned to Plan as an INFP. Although this is designed with the "INFP" point of view, I think these tips could be helpful for anyone who finds that typical methods of planning don't work for them. Intuitives, especially...
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Learning to Work Along With the Way I Feel
One of the ideas I've come across often when reading articles about doing creative work is the concept of working with your natural energy flow throughout the day. There are times during the day when it's easier to accomplish creative tasks than others.For me that has been a difficult thing...
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